Listen Bernard Moninot
Bernard MONINOT (1949, Le Fay)
The work has a cosmological dimension while maximizing the diversity of pigments.
These instant drawings (or impact drawings) are made by a hammer strike, releasing colored powder on to the surface of the prepared glass. Certainly the apogee of impact drawing (of which it arranges a constellation of 91 examples of various sizes in an indeterminate order), Constellation appears against a white background like a choral formation in which each element is embodied according to a distinct tonality. Each element or fragment, with its own valence, resonance, format or score, chants the same figurative song, a song of suspense: whether the constellation is a torus, a ring or a series of points or concentric waves, all the objects of which it is formed are floating. Each time, the object created by a hammer blow and captured in glass seems to wander through space. Whichever object the eye isolates, and whatever the arrangement in which it features, the sensation is one of unanimity […]. Jean-Christophe Bailly